In the course of my professional experience, the Zoom sessions developed into very effective way to support the internal process of transformation.
We can arrange an appointment by email and set a time that is suitable.
It works the same way with the SPACE & TIME sessions.
Experience has shown the effectiveness of space-and time sessions over long distances. Therefore you are welcome to book sessions with me where we set a particular timeframe.
In my experience the physical space and distance serves as an amplifier for the process and for many people remote sessions are both more effective and easier.
These meeting points are of the soul in which healing can flow "unrestricted".
During session time you can take time for yourself or proceed with your daily life.
After the session I will describe to you in an email what I have observed and noticed.
I will share the essential points of the process through e-mail and you can then give me your feedback or ask further questions.
We can arrange an appointment by email and set a time that is suitable.
Payment is made into my bank account in Germany. You will receive the details in the e-mail in which your appointment is confirmed.
If sessions are made in South Africa you can as well pay into my South African account.